Keep Scotland Beautiful – It’s Your Neighbourhood campaign


  • Is your church group involved in cleaning up and greening up your area?
  • Do your activities focus on community participation, environmental responsibility and gardening?
  • Would you like support, resources and national recognition for your efforts?
  • Would you like to be part of a national network of groups, sharing ideas and inspiring each other to help bring communities together?

Then Keep Scotland Beautiful’s It’s Your Neighbourhood campaign is for you!

It’s an annual campaign, FREE, and is part of the Royal Horticultural Society’s (RHS) Britain in Bloom campaign.

Your group will receive support and resources from both Keep Scotland Beautiful and the RHS including monthly newsletters full of case studies, funding links, activities and events; a one to one visit from a trained volunteer; places at the annual seminar and presentation of certificates; a web page for your group; a dedicated member of KSB available via phone or email; a guidance document; social media and press support to help you promote your work.

Find out more on the Keep Scotland Beautiful website here:

Deadline to enter is end of April – register here.

Please email or call 01786 477 171 for any questions.

[If your group works in partnership with others to benefit the whole community, you might be interested in Keep Scotland Beautiful’s annual competition Beautiful Scotland:]