Organise an event for Scotland’s Nature Festival 18th to 26th May

Scotland’s Nature Festival is an opportunity for organisations across Scotland to join together to provide a nation-wide programme of events aimed at encouraging people to get out and about to become involved with nature in fun and exciting ways. There is still time for your church or eco-group to get involved. You can for example arrange a Wildlife Planting event in the church grounds or organise a walk to take in the natural beauty of your local area.

Scotland's Nature Festival Logo

You can can be part of a unified events campaign together with many other organisations using the same messages, logos and promotional materials. This helps to create a sense of something big happening across Scotland, in which everyone can take part.

The Scottish Natural Heritage website has a range of resource and information for participating organisations.

You can find out how to add your event/s’ details to The List and discover what resources the Scottish Natural Heritage and partner organisations can offer you from the Resouces for Event Organisers page.

If you have other queries, you can contact us at