Some photos from our Annual Gathering 2015

The Eco-Congregation Scotland Annual Gathering took place on Saturday at Falkirk Trinity Church. One hundred people attended from across Scotland and the main speakers were Rev Kathy Galloway, Head of Christian Aid Scotland and Aileen McLeod MSP, Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform, Scottish Government. The Minister also launched our climate justice baton relay.

Here are a few photos from the day:

(Photo: Church of Scotland, Church and Society Council)


(Kathy Galloway. Photo: Scottish Communities Climate Action Network)



(Aileen McLeod MSP. Photo: Eco-Congregation Scotland)



(Philippa Bonella of SCIAF, Adrian Shaw of Eco-Congregation Scotland and Chris Heggarty of Christian Aid). Photo: Eco-Congregation Scotland)



(Bill Craigie of Queens Cross Church Aberdeen receiving the baton from Aileen McLeod MSP. Photo: Eco-Congregation Scotland)

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