Tesco Bags of Help grant scheme is open for applications!

Do you have a local greenspace that needs improving? Do you want to run activities in your local park or greenspace?

Great news – the Tesco Bags of Help grant scheme is now permanently open for applications for funding between £2000 – £5000 from a wide range of community groups, schools, local authorities and organisations. Bags of Help will now see the money raised by the 5p bag charge in Tesco stores in England, Wales and Scotland opened up to a greater range of projects that support community participation in the development and use of open spaces.

Projects that will now get the green light as a result of the funding will include volunteer training, physical improvements of open spaces, equipment purchases, community events and sports and leisure activities.

Following a public vote in Tesco stores, three projects in each of the 200 Tesco regions will receive a grant each month, with first place receiving up to £5K, second place up to £2K and third place up to £1K.

Bags of Help is administered by Groundwork, working in Scotland with greenspace scotland, and funded by Tesco customers from the proceeds of the 5p charge for plastic carrier bags. It will fund projects that benefit communities by activating or physically improving open and greenspaces that do not charge for access.

Full eligibility criteria and detailed application guidance is available online here http://bit.ly/bagsofhelp3

We have a team of Community Enablers that can provide support or advice when submitting your application. Find their details here.

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Great news! Do you want to improve or run activities on your local greenspace but need some funding to make it happen? Get your application going for Tesco Bags of Help, a greenspace grant scheme which is open for applications now. More here http://bit.ly/bagsofhelp3

