Hosted by Banchory Ternan West Church, you are invited to a talk by Professor Sam Berry, from University College London, which is to be held on Thursday 31st October at 7.30pm in the Centenary Hall, Mount Street, Banchory.
Creation-care: Christians generally fail to recognize the implications of the biblical mandate to act as God’s agents in caring for His world. It is an area wide open for evangelism, because one can join with non-Christians in a common concern – but we can give the latter a reason for action which is more than mere utilitarianism. It is also globally crucial as we face climate change, growing population, energy and food insecurities, etc. Christians should be in the lead, but as in so many other matters, we are perpetually trying to catch-up.
Prof Sam Berry was involved in the setting-up of Eco-Congregations in England in the late 1990s.
All are welcome to what should be a thought-provoking and inspirational evening!