Home by another Way – Advent after COP26

All videos are readily downloadable via Vimeo.:

An alternative, ecumenical, international, environmental, Advent Calendar

(Top of Page: an alternative, spontaneous Christmas message)

Christmas Message: Major reflection: on location in the Pentland Hills


Day 27: Christmas Eve Joy with the shepherds

Day 26: 23rd December No room at the inn

Day 25: 22nd December As they rejoice dividing plunder

Day 24: 21st December The vital voices for life

Day 23: 20th December The scattered proud

Day 22: 19th December Generations to come 

Day 21: 18th December John’s two fires

Day 20: 17th December The additional coat….

*******Additional note for Day 19

Day 19: 16th December The right trees in the right place …. PLEASE VIEW NOTE (above)

Day 18: 15th December Welcome for snakes

Day 17: 14th December The Water of Life

Day 16: 13th December The shame and the lame…

Day 15: 12th December Hope & Responsibility

Day 14: 11th December Reading it right, reading it green

Day 13: 10th December Transforming the landscape

Day 12: 9th December Location and message – from Orkney

Day 11: 8th December What is wilderness?

Day 10: 7th December Informed and inspired – from France

Day 9: 6th December Called to prophecy

Day 8: 5th December Cleaning up our act

Day 7: 4th December The Trees are alert

Day 6: 3rd December Redeeming ‘Redemption’

Day 5: 2nd December Hope in Apocalypse

Day 4: 1st December Nations in turmoil over climate crisis Opening Filmed in a ‘Plenary Hall’ at COP

Day 3: 30th November The sustainable community

Day 2: 29th November Don’t look away

Day 1: 28th November The Branch of Justice