Sustaining Hope

2024 Annual Gathering and AGM

Eco-Congregation Scotland Annual Gathering and AGM
Saturday 25th May 2024
10.30am to 4.00pm (doors open 10.00am)
Annual General Meeting 1.15pm to 1.45pm
Stirling Baptist Church, 67 Murray Place, Stirling FK8 1AU and online
Thank you for your continuing support of Eco-Congregation Scotland. We are pleased to invite you to our Annual Gathering which focuses on “Sustaining Hope”, bringing together volunteers from across the country. It takes place with our Annual General Meeting in Stirling Baptist Church and online.

Lucy Le Roux and Jess Pepper

Our keynote speaker is Jess Pepper, founder and director of the Climate Café®  movement, already involving many of our churches in creating a welcoming, informal pop up space, bringing people together to chat and act on climate change. Last year Jess was on BBC World 100 inspiring and influential women, one of 28 global Climate Pioneers ahead of the COP28 climate conference.

Lucy Le Roux, Christian Aid Scotland Campaigns and Advocacy Coordinator will update us on campaigning after Scottish Government climate targets were dropped. We also look forward to engaging with Karen Hind, Cherish Support Officer from National Churches Trust, on “Proactive Maintenance”; Scottish Episcopal Church Net Zero team’s Empowerment Coordinator Dr Bethany Nelson; and Judith Macleod, Church of Scotland Probationer Minister, on our new climate justice resource for congregations in partnership with Scottish Fair Trade and Christian Aid.
We are excited at the opportunity of hearing from diverse local churches on their own work, growing faith-inspired action in our communities which offers sustaining hope in turbulent times. In a year when we face a UK General Election, our volunteers are working to overcome barriers in tackling the climate crisis in their churches and communities. Funding and wider support is needed, for local commitment towards Net Zero emissions and global action for climate justice which strongly motivates many in our churches.

In a year when we face a UK General Election, our volunteers are working to overcome barriers in tackling the climate crisis in their churches and communities. Funding and wider support is needed, for local commitment towards Net Zero emissions and global action for climate justice which strongly motivates many in our churches.

2023 Annual Gathering and AGM in Livingston

Lunch and catering is provided for attendees onsite. Please provide any dietary requirements when you register. The Annual General Meeting is after lunch from 1.15pm to 1.45pm as follows:
1. Welcome – Richard Murray, Eco-Congregation Scotland chairperson
2. Apologies for absence
3. Approval of minutes from 2023 AGM
4. Chairperson’s Report on the activities of Eco-Congregation Scotland
5. Any Questions?
6. Annual Accounts and Financial Report – Mary Sweetland, Treasurer
7. Appointment of Independent Examiner
8. Election/re-election of Trustees
9. Any other competent business

While only Full Members can vote at the AGM, it remains open to all as part of our Annual Gathering and anyone can attend the AGM to hear more about the work of the charity from our trustees. I hope you will be able to join us. 
If you are unable to attend the AGM as the named Full Member, but wish to appoint someone else as your Proxy to take part on your behalf for your church, please select this at the foot of the registration form – or you can reply to this email with that information. Full Members are named individuals who represent a registered eco-congregation which pays an annual fee, depending on church income, supporting the charity’s work.

Season of Creation 2024

Workshops and seminars are chosen by participants after the AGM at 1.45pm and 2.35pm. We are finalising options online and for Stirling attendees, including a focus on this year’s Season of Creation themed “To Hope and Act with Creation”. The Annual Gathering closes with worship and prayer led by our Eco-Chaplain Rev David Coleman, ending at 4.00pm.

We encourage attendees to use public transport where possible and practicable, with the venue a few minutes walk from Stirling rail station. If you are travelling by car, we will update registrants on parking by email.

Further agenda papers will be forwarded to you following registration, with the Zoom Passcode for online participants. Please subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular updates – and please consider supporting our work with a donation.
We look forward to welcoming you in Stirling or online. Please register below: