On Saturday 22nd March at East & Old Church Hall, Forfar, Iona Community and Angus Presbytery Church & Society Committee will be hosting The Integrity of Creation: Changing Our Ways in the Face of Climate Change.
You can download a registration form here: Eco Meeting Forfar
The event will run througout the morning:
10 a.m. Arrivals and tea/coffee
10.30 a.m. Welcome and Opening Worship.
10.40 a.m. The Integrity of Creation – Rev Malcolm Rooney
A reflection on the way our use of the earth’s resources affects climate change
11.00 a.m Workshop: ‘One more step along the world I go’ – Rev Jack Laidlaw
1) Considering carbon footprints, their make-up and size followed by
2) a sharing of ideas on the costs and choices in trying to be eco- friendly.
12.00 noon Closing Worship
12.15 p.m. Reflecting Together over a Sandwich Lunch
The event is free to attend but a voluntary contribution of £6 is invited to cover costs which include teas/coffees and a sandwich lunch.