WEEK 2. Sunday 8th September
Overview week 2
The consideration [Proverbs 22] of reputational value and damage, alongside yet another call for integrity in those who make decisions about others is a sobering opening: Psalm 125 appeals to the steadfastness of the mountains, though in our age of unjustly rapid transformation of our lived environment, how does this hold up? Isaiah 35 seeks to offer encouragement, pointing us to the drama of seasonal transformation, and Psalm 146 firmly connects ‘God as Creator’ with ‘God of Justice’. James 2 continues a stringent moral audit of his beloved churches, and a very demanding cultural confrontation between Jesus and a woman his people would regard as inferior leads to a victory for his message that wisdom and the favour of God reside with the downtrodden and marginalised.
Guest Writers: Richard Murray, ECS Chair; Jo Chamberlain, Church of England National Environment Officer
Songs for Sunday: September 8th Trinity College Glasgow
Full length downloadable video : [2 minute version HERE ] Text under ‘Suite of sermons’ on main page.
Associated Bible Readings on Location:
Psalm 125: Location reading :Assisi Location reading: more visual Location reading with brief commentary, ScottishHighlands
Isaiah 35 Assisi hermitage [Flow Country wetland] Lego reading by children Assisi reading, more visual
Psalm 146 with a brief commentary, Scottish Highlands
Mark 7:24-37 Assisi hermits cells As told by Jo Clifford: Video reading [to verse 30 only]