

Overview week 3

‘Lady Wisdom’ in Proverbs 1 shouts loud and clear,  cautioning all who hear to look before they leap, and take note of warnings   Her personality is  further explored in the option from  the apocryphal book of the Wisdom of Solomon ,7. Psalm 19 offers a truly majestic – and witty  interlude, with the personalities of Creation, though attention to which English version you use may pay dividends: [Hint: KJV or NKJV may make more sense than some more standard versions ] Isaiah 50 deals wit the challenges of standing up for truth, and the importance of reliance on God as you do so. Psalm 116 Expresses deep gratitude for how things did turn out after all. James looks for leadership in churches with integrity, and is prepared to cope with this being rare, but the highlight this week is Jesus’ brutal challenge to the sort of common sense which pulls back from  costly and difficult decisions, without which no healing or progress is going to be possible.  Casting the friends who wish us well, but wish we weren’t so committed as ‘Satan’ should be ample food for thought where full-hearted climate commitment seems to be “too much”.

Writers: EcoCongregation Staff;  Judith Macleod,   EcoChaplaincy Probationer   

Guests: Hazel McCorrisken, Helensburgh URC

Miriam McHardy,  Writer, Our Lady of Loretto St Michael, Musselburgh

Rev Canon Giles Godard, Vicar of  St John’s Waterloo, London, and involved with ‘No Faith in Fossil Fuels’.

Week 3 Text, notes as PDF

Prayers for all weeks PDF

Songs for Sunday: September 15th Trinity College Glasgow

Full length downloadable  video :’ [2 minute version HERE] Text under ‘Suite of sermons’ on main page.

Associated Bible Readings on Location:

VIDEO READINGS PSALM 19  Assisi Hermitage with brief commentary Scottish Highlands Highlands Assisi [More visual]