Saturday 20th April

Duffus, Spynie and Hopeman Church invite you to join them for an Eco Information and Coffee morning on Saturday 4th of March 2023 from 10am – noon. It will be held in Hopeman Memorial Hall.
EcoHighland 2021 is a programme for two full weeks of events, around worship, prayer and action organised by churches locally and supported by Eco Congregation Scotland with Inverness Presbytery Church Support. Running from the 31st of October to the 13th of November, these two weeks coincide with the timing of the vital COP 26 negotiations in Glasgow. EcoHighland 2021 gives local churches and surrounding communities -and those who join us online from elsewhere- an opportunity to share the importance of caring for our planet.
The calendar of events below gives an overview and flavour of the main events happening. It is worth keeping an eye on the Eco Congregation Scotland events page as further events are added. There are activities that will appeal to people of all ages.
These events are only a flavour of the range of things that the congregations are doing. Inverness St Columba have put together a booklet of pledges to help people care for the planet, as well as a collective active travel challenge to clock up the 180 miles to Glasgow over the duration of COP 26. Other congregations are taking greening their grounds and beyond seriously by planting trees, wildflowers and daffodils. Many of the congregations are planning what they will do to keep this going beyond the two weeks of EcoHighland 2021. For example, Inverness Old High St Stephens congregation are planning a series of conversations about climate change and the practical steps we can take to help care for the planet. Inverness Dalneigh and Bona are looking at how to help people make practical changes such as extending the range of things they each recycle. There are many more exciting plans beside these, so it will be worth keep an eye on church websites and social media in the coming months.
A series of pilgrimage walks are planned by Inverness Presbytery over the summer that will take in different parts of the beautiful Highland scenery. If you would like to join in with these walks please contact Paul Haringman, Mission Development worker, using the details below.
This is a big year for tackling climate change in Scotland as the Scottish Government prepares to introduce a new Climate Bill. In 2017, over 19,000 members of the public supported our calls for an ambitious Bill with the policies for Scotland to do its share in limiting climate change.
Join Stop Climate Chaos Scotland for a Campaign Workshop to share knowledge and plan action on the Bill. We need to ensure the Government commits to a target of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 at the latest, and a roadmap to reach that. So it’s time to start campaigning!
These interactive workshops will give you more information on Scotland’s new Climate Change Act and how you can get involved in the campaign for climate justice.
We are encouraging people from all across Scotland who care about climate change to come along to meet other activists passionate about climate change, engage with the new climate Bill and to get involved in the campaign.
Aberdeen – Saturday 9th June
Dundee – Sunday 10th June
Glasgow – Saturday 16th June
Inverness – Sunday 17th June
Dumfries – Saturday 23rd June
Irvine – Saturday 23rd June
Stirling – Sunday 24th June
To book your place visit the Stop Climate Chaos Scotland web site:
These workshops will provide information about the Stop Climate Chaos CLimate Bill campaign and equip you with the knowledge and skills to take action. We hope attendees will feel inspired to take the message that we need a strong climate act onto their streets, communities and to their representatives.
In partnership with Take One Action, the workshops in Edinburgh (3rd June), Aberdeen, Dundee, Glasgow, Inverness, Dumfries & Stirling will be followed by a screening of Not Without Us – following frontline activists in the fight against climate change for a subsidised cost of just £4!