God with us urgently now. Statement of Faith

Presented for devotional use as a commentary on historic creeds and statements of faith: suggested for use in Creation themed worship, with a consciousness of the Nature & Climate crises. Writer: DJM Coleman. On this page: Downloadable PDF and full text as simple text.


an inclusive statement of Christian faith 

We trust Love who is God

before us, beyond us 

and urgently now.

Maker, Remaker of life, and life’s limits.

God: working with Earth, 

God: attending to birth;

decisive, co-operative, 

with seas and with skies.

God for justice by choice.

to be praised by all breathing.

We trust Jesus our Friend

Incarnate in Earth;

Who lives life with creatures 

who knows of their frailness

through flesh, blood, and birth 

and dependence on care.

Christ who loves, heals, and warns

and repurposes Scriptures;

Christ who  honours 

the welcome of God in the stranger;

God’s wisdom in creatures, our kin.

Jesus: Welcomed with branches,

then nailed to the Tree.

Abandoned to Death, 

Earth alone could receive him.

The third Day Christ rose 

to Life Renewed:

with us as surely as Sky;

We trust the Holy Spirit our God;

Wild Wind of beginnings

beyond our control

yet harnessed for justice;

Reshaping perceptions.

Breath of life;

Spirit of healing, forgiveness:

God with us urgently now.