May every family throughout God’s Earth: Hymn poem for Pentecost 5A

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(Genesis 12, 1 Kings 4,  Matthew 6) tune: Glasgow: “CM with elaborations!”

1)May every family throughout God’s Earth

Be blessed as we praise God:

the birds of heaven, the forests’ kin

the beauteous, familiar and odd!

2)When meeting grant  us wisdom, such

as Sol’mon gained as king:

how trees, fish, birds and bees and more 

are honoured as we sing!

3)And beauty, more than kings command

Earth’s families wild and frail;

By Christ both scolded and extolled

the wind, the waves, prevail.

4) By kinship, heritage, and bonds of care

are families defined.

Diverse, mysterious, interlaced

in praise to God combined.
