Since 1989, the ‘Season of Creation’, ‘Creation Time’, or ‘Creationtide’ has grown to be a lively global and ecumenical movement in Christian churches, dedicating the Sundays of September and the first in October (closest to St Francis’ Day, 4th October) to worship, prayer, reflection and action on the Commission of the Risen Christ, to bring Good News to All Creation. (Mark 16:15). It’s a chance to celebrate what it means to be Church against the real, urgent and increasing threat of climate and other environmental crises. And to rediscover the meaning of a distinctive human calling of justice, care, guidance and partnership with - as well as dependence on - fellow creatures with whom we share so much.
Our original resources, gathered and curated in Scotland, and in fellowship with the global movement, respond with hope and openness to the God-given witness of trustworthy peer-reviewed science. Vital too are the experiences of our sisters and brothers in Christ around the world - including in Scotland - of changes more brutal and far-reaching than we imagined. There’s never been a more compelling reason for prayer; for the Christian claim on hope beyond hope. And the joy and deepening of faith we’ve seen amongst the most committed congregations in the EcoCongregation Scotland movement, sharing stories and encouraging each other, especially as we gather on Sunday, offering worship and receiving nourishment from our Creator.
Our resources fully support the continued use of the Revised Common Lectionary, with every passage covered, as well as ‘thematic’ material which can be used at any time of year. For the Season is ‘training’ in discerning and recycling the strong green threads re-woven every new day through the whole of our faith, as creatures of a loving and sustaining God.
Music Choices:
We recommend the use of the choices suggested via Trinity College, in which Eco-Congregation Scotland trustee Iain McLarty is fully involved. Each week will have some additional items too, and perhaps some new words to old tunes.