Notes from Edinburgh Network meeting on 7th November 2012

Chair (Angela) welcomed all present and led prayer.

1. Discussion of a draft plan for energy efficiency for Christ Church, Morningside, included following contributions: Historic Scotland (no constraints on insulating inside of windows). Church of Scotland provides helpful information. Applications to Climate Challenge Fund close on 20/12 (will fund carbon saving measures). Dalbeattie Parish Church has introduced de-stratification fans (to circulate warm air). Jean proposed commissioning a masters student to review and analyse church improvements. Change Works provide a guide for improvements – Margaret will email to all about this.
Other websites Earth be Glad, Creation Tide resources – for a range of resources produced by different Christian environmental organisations.

2. Parish activities: Angela mentioned and local church photography competition.
Photos can be exhibited inside church and encourage visits. Susan mentioned a celebration show around theme of honey.
Questions about how to celebrate harvest festival and how to enhance church grounds –
Ideas include: holding a farmers’ market on forecourt; contacting Shandon Food Group, Trellis Therapeutic Gardening – Edible estates – Timebank. Jean suggested contacting Pat Able, Royal Edinburgh Community Gardens. Christmas cards – it was thought Woodland Trust charity has stopped recycling Xmas cards (recycled card no longer profitable) but please see note with these minutes for further information – Added to notes 4th Dec 2012: Marks & Spencers collect and recycle Christmas Cards for the Woodland Trust.

Carbon Conversations
Introduced by Arthur – to engage people in groups of 8-12 with 2 facilitators over a
6 week period to look at ways of reducing carbon footprint. See Carbon Conversations. Benefits of using this in church explained by Jean and Margaret. Political involvement and SCIAF campaigns discussed, incl. lobbying Parliament.

News from Eco-Congregation
Margaret reported on the network seminar in September, when the registration process was streamlined.
Mentoring scheme for congregations new to Eco-Congregation (or those seeking help with developing their action plan) introduced. Resource material arranged into 3 Ideas for Action. Margaret urged parishes to apply for awards – assessors like to meet workers. Suggested working through Check Up and presenting an action plan to kirk session, or AGM, etc. as a way of getting a green team together to work towards an award. Potential for energy savings in congregation’s homes much greater than in the church building.

Date of Next Meeting: Wed 18 Feb 2013, 7.30pm at Saughtonhall United Reformed Church, 85/87 Saughtonhall Drive, Edinburgh EH12 5TR when Saughtonhall United Reformed Church will be talking about their project to install photovoltaic panels on the church roof and the CO2 and money this has saved.