The Eco-group from St Ninian’s Episcopal Church, Comely Bank Edinburgh, would like to invite you to their upcoming event.
The Climate Change Blame-Game: an overview of why global warming is proving so intractable.
DATE: Saturday 31st August at 10.30am
LOCATION: St Ninian’s Church – 40 Comely Bank Edinburgh EH4 1AG
SPEAKER: Rev’d Dr David de Pomerai.
Associate Priest at St Ninian’s Comely Bank SEC, retired academic teaching in genetics and bioethics at Nottingham University, Honorary Fellow in Science & Religion at New College, Edinburgh University.
EVENT DESCRIPTION: Climate change is often described as a “wicked problem” – or even “super-wicked”. ‘Wicked’ – not in the sense of ‘evil intent’ (though that can come into it), nor yet in the colloquial sense of ‘amazing’ (though some of its ramifications deserve that epithet) – but rather in the sense of ‘knotted, intractable, multifaceted and defying easy solutions’. Back in the 1980s, a ban on CFCs largely healed the developing hole in the atmospheric ozone layer. But we can’t simply ban carbon dioxide, which sits at the centre of far too many cycles – most of which are natural and essential, though they have become distorted through human influence. Despite the scientific consensus that climate change is real, despite even the clear evidence that it is happening already, progress towards curbing our carbon dioxide emissions has at best been halting and of limited effectiveness. This event, which will outline some of the obstacles to progress, will last for an hour to an hour and a half including discussion over light refreshments.
REGISTRATION: All are welcome but registration in advance appreciated to facilitate catering – please email