2016 Annual Gathering

Eco-Congregation Scotland Annual Gathering 2016
A Space for Nature in your Congregation

Saturday 23rd April 2016, 10:00am – 3:15pm
St Ninian’s Cathedral, North Methven St, Perth PH1 5PP

Main speakers:


Stuart Housden, head of RSPB Scotland and Andy Lester of A Rocha UK


Book now!

Please download and send us the booking form as soon as possible as places are limited:

Booking form with full workshop, speaker and travel details (PDF File)
Booking form on its own (Word Format)


About our Annual Gathering

The main speakers will be Stuart Housden, head of RSPB Scotland and Andy Lester of A Rocha UK. The theme is “A Place for Nature in your Church” and workshops will be on a conservation theme (details in the booking form).