
Congregations who are not yet registered with us should first complete our online registration form here before making a membership payment.

Current membership fees (2025)

Congregation’s income over last financial year 


Under £50,000

Donation only*

Between £50,000 and £100,000

£100 per year 

Over £100,000

£200 per year 

*Membership is donation only for all churches with an income under £50,000, to ensure that small churches are able to participate fully. We would, however, encourage everyone to donate what they feel they can afford, so that we can continue to support local churches, and to be a strong Christian voice in the national debate about Scotland’s role in climate action.

Membership fees cover 12 months of membership. 

Payment options 

Direct Debit Set up a recurring annual payment via GoCardless

£100 payment – 

£200 payment –  

PayPal Through our online donations page:

Standing Order Payment Eco-Congregation Scotland Triodos Bank Account Number: 20195621 Sort Code: 16-58-10

Cheque If you are unable to pay online or through standing order you can send us a cheque to cover your membership fee made payable to Eco-congregation Scotland. Please email us for the postal address.


Returning Congregations

Please complete the membership update form below if your congregation’s membership has lapsed or your congregation was previously registered with Eco-Congregation Scotland, but were not full members.
(If you are unable to access the form online please contact us and we will provide the form in an alternative format either by email or post.)

Once your form and payment have been received you will receive confirmation of your membership status and receipt for payment. If you have any questions about a payment or your membership status please get in touch.

Please note that in line with our constitution, membership is subject to agreement from our board of trustees. The Full Member is a named individual who represents the church. In the event that your membership application is unsuccessful you will be contacted with an explanation and any membership fees returned to you.