World Development Movement are organising an event in Glasgow on the weekend of 8-9 March. It is free to attend including free lunch and dinner.
Where: Queen Margaret Union, Glasgow
When: Saturday 8 – Sunday 9 March
Join us in Glasgow for an unmissable weekend for campaigners new and old, including an economic justice teach-in, WDM Scotland Gathering, campaign skills workshops, plus entertainment, free food, time to socialise and crash-pad accommodation for anyone from further afield.
The World Development Movement has teamed up with People & Planet and Jubilee Scotland to organise this inspiring weekend in Glasgow for anyone interested in campaigning for a better world. We hope you can come.
For WDM supporters, the main event is our WDM Scotland Gathering on the Sunday afternoon. We are launching our new food campaign in April exposing the takeover of African agriculture by corporations in the name of tackling hunger. Heidi Chow, WDM food campaigner, will be introducing the new campaign. Click here to book a place at the WDM Scotland Gathering ONLY.
But that is just one of many activities happening at Queen Margaret Union on 8 and 9 March. On Saturday, Jubilee Debt Campaign is running a teach-in on economic justice; including the financial crisis, austerity and debt, and their impacts on social justice. On Sunday morning, there will be campaign skills workshops, a free lunch and chance to network and chat with other campaigners, followed by our WDM Scotland Gathering.
You can come to any or all of the weekend, but you must book in advance. Click here to book for workshops on Saturday and on Sunday morning and here to book for the WDM Scotland Gathering
Go to our website for more details: