In partnership with the SRUC, Nourish Scotland is running a scoping study that investigates people’s views about their least-worst options for reducing meat intake in their diets. This study will help shape a three-year SRUC research project that starts in the Autumn 2024.
They are looking for a diverse range of people (age, dietary requirements and preferences, and other demographics) in the Central Belt of Scotland. To participate in this study, you would have to be:
1. someone who eats meat (not just fish) on a regular basis, as part of your normal diet
2. prepared to take part in a full-day workshop that will take place in person in the Central Belt (likely to take place in early June) AND
3. committed to keep a food diary for about a week in the run up to the in-person workshop.
Nourish can cover travel expenses (within limits, within the Central Belt), and £25 (a small contribution to your favourite meal perhaps!).
The discussions in the workshop will be focused roughly around these questions:
– What do people know about the case for reducing meat in our diets, and what, in this, do they care about?
– What do people know about meat replacements?
– What are people willing and unwilling to substitute for meat in their diet i.e. for which meals and under what conditions (taste, cost, availability, skills, time and effort, etc.)?
If you are interested in participating in this study, or have a question about this before you decide, please contact to receive an application form by Thursday 2nd May.