There are a number of exciting environmental events taking place in Glasgow in the coming months.
Green Glasgow 2015
Did you know that Glasgow City Council in naming 2015 as “Green Glasgow“? This will be a high profile and exciting year of events, activities and projects aimed at getting local people, businesses, visitors and young people involved in sustainability. Sustainable Glasgow has strong ambitions for a greener future, striving to cut carbon emissions and become one of the greenest cities in Europe. The city was a finalist in the European Commission’s European Green Capital 2015 awards.
Three themes have been selected to help reflect Glasgow’s green transformation vision in 2015:
- Natural Assets: Celebrating Glasgow’s natural environment including the city’s biodiversity, parks, rivers and waterways, greenspace, woodlands, flora and fauna.
- Green Science and Innovation: Celebrating Glasgow’s industrial and scientific heritage and our current innovations in new carbon-free green science and technology.
- Green Change: Celebrating a city taking green action to change in response environmental, social or economic factors. This includes responding to climate change, transport and modal changes, land use, resources, air and noise quality and behaviour change.
There are many ways to get involved – as individuals, as a community group or a business.
Contact: Heather Claridge, Project Manager, Land and Environmental Services, 231 George Street, Glasgow, G1 1RX Phone: 0141 287 6054
Here is a program of themes for each month (handy for planning events or magazine articles):
- January – Improving Energy Efficiency
- February -Buying Fair and Local
- March – Becoming Climate Resilient
- April – Using Water Wisely
- May – Being Sound Smart
- June – Reducing Waste Impact
- July – Looking after Biodiversity
- August – Using more Public and Active Transport
- September – Growing a Green Economy
- October – Creating Quality Green Spaces
- November – Improving Air Quality
- December – Managing Urban Water
For The Love Of… campaign
Recognising that everyone loves something that is threatened by climate change. More information here
Events in Glasgow around St Valentine’s Day weekend:
- Nesting Birds at Kelvingrove Museum, Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th Feb 1-4pm
- Friends of the Earth on Buchanan Street/ Royal Concert Hall Saturday 14th Feb 10.30am -3pm
- Morning service and film ‘For the Love of’ at Langside Church, 167 Ledard Road G42 9QU Sunday 15th Feb 10.30am service
Have you heard of Aquaponics?
Take a look at this web site demonstration project coming to Kinning Park in the near future.
Beyond Foodbanks… conference
Beyond Food Banks? Growing a Food Justice Movement in Scotland
In this context, we invite you to a one-day free conference exploring food poverty and how we can work together to grow a movement to eliminate it.