Upcoming Glasgow Network Meetings Sep-Nov 2016.

Castlemilk Parish Church (new building) official opening this Sunday

The official opening is planned for 4th September 2016 at 2pm. All are welome to join us for this long awaited day! Please pop in and visit if you are passing by. 1 Dougrie Road, Glasgow, G45 9NP.


Network Planning Meeting 7th September

Join us at Cadder Parish Church, South Hall, Kirkintilloch Road, Bishopbriggs, G64 2JA on Wednesday 7th September at 7.30pm to plan for 2017.
There are no ‘rules’ to planning, only what you as Eco-congregation members feel would be valuable to you, your congregation, community, other ECS members, our faith – so wide and various items may be considered!
Please do come and contribute ideas and topics. It’s also an opportunity to network and share experiences, get tips and the very valuable support which comes from the fellowship we share. Please feel free to invite other churches along from your own neighbourhood – car sharing is good 🙂


November meeting

A notice of our November meeting at St Joseph’s RC church Clarkston; Thursday November 11th, 7.30pm for a talk and discussion about ‘Air Quality’ issues with Friends of the Earth Scotland. This subject has been much in the news this year and will give us the opportunity to learn more about this insidious problem.