FAO: Community groups and interested individuals
The Scottish Government would like to invite you to a seminar in order to hear your views on their Heat Generation Policy Statement consultation.
There are 2 seminars, one in Inverness on 16 May and one in Edinburgh on 28 May
Friday, 16 May 2014
10:00 – 12:30 (registration and coffee at 9:30)
Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Cowan House, Inverness Retail Park, IV2 7GF
Coffee and lunch will be provided.
To register for the Inverness event, please click here
About this event
The Scottish Government is keen to get feedback from community and consumer interest groups on this consultation. Communities have already shown significant interest in renewable heat generation as a way to secure an affordable and secure energy supply for their area. It is important to understand consumer behaviour in order to encourage energy efficiency and take up of household renewable heat measures. As such, the Scottish Government is interested to hear about people’s experience and thoughts for future needs. A particular interest will be off-gas and rural communities.
Both seminars are free to attend and will last approximately 2 1/2 hours. The seminars will start with a series of short presentations by representatives from Scottish Government and the Energy Saving Trust followed by break-out sessions to help answer some of the key consultation questions. The seminars will include a coffee break and lunch. A full programme will be provided in due course.
The seminars are being organised by the Energy Saving Trust on behalf of the Scottish Government.
What is the Scottish Government’s Heat Generation Policy Statement?
The draft Heat Generation Policy Statement (HGPS) sets out how low carbon heat can reach more householders, businesses and communities through a clear framework for investment in the future of heat in Scotland. It discusses how Scotland might reduce the amount of energy used for heat, diversify sources of heat, provide increased security of heat supply, greater local control and reduce the pressure on household energy bills.
The Scottish Government is committed to building partnerships with the private sector, local authorities and communities to support the development of low carbon heating networks. HGPS represents the latest step in this work.
For further background information, please click here
Second Event
When: Wednesday, 28 May 2014
Where: The Quaker Meeting House
7 Victoria Street
Time: 10:00 – 12:30 (registration and coffee at 9:30)
Coffee and lunch will be provided.
To register for the Edinburgh event, please click here
If you have any questions please email HGPSevents@est.org.uk or call Annette Weir on 0131 555 9150.