Lent 2024: Covenanting with Creation

(Lent & Easter resources with a green slant, from the EcoChaplaincy team, David & Judith). 

See also : Previous Lent/Easter resources 


Video Reflections:

Weeks 1-3 & 5 & Easter, Plus special for Mothering Sunday Tree planted for each one.  

Scripts for  weeks 1-3 &  5 plus Easter  HERE


week 1

week 2

week 3

week 4: Mothering Sunday

week 5

Easter Sunday: 'Tipping Point'
















Video Bible readings, prayers &  other resources


Prayer of Approach, Confession & Pardon

Ash Wednesday from a mountain of ash.

click links to view & download

WEEK 1: Genesis 9: 8-17.

The covenant after the flood.

WEEK 1:  Mark 1: 9-15

Jesus with the wildlife


WEEK 2:  Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16

Covenant with senior citizens: Abraham & Sarah

WEEK 2:  Mark 8:31-38

The common sense of Satan.


WEEK 3: Exodus 20:1-17

Ten Commandments

WEEK 3:  John 2:13-22

Cleansing the Temple


WEEK 4: 1 Cor 13: Special for Lent 4/Mothering  Sunday


WEEK 5:  Jeremiah 31:31-34

Covenant written on hearts 

Week 5: John 12:20-23

When the Greeks ask about Jesus

Easter Sunday: Mark 16:1-15

The unbelievable truth.