Let’s talk about the climate emergency
As Scotland comes into the spotlight hosting COP26 in November 2021, it becomes imperative that our churches take action on the climate emergency.
One of the most powerful ways we can encourage change is in talking, listening and telling our stories.
Eco-Congregation Scotland has produced ‘Let’s talk about the climate emergency‘ – a pack of resources with monthly themes to help congregations hold awareness raising conversations and encourage everyone to act.
Giving voice to the challenges and successes we face can offer hope and help other people see ways to make changes that will fit into their lives. The scale of the issues we face can seem completely overwhelming but offering each other permission to not understand it all and not get it right all the time is important if we are not to become discouraged. Knowing that it is a journey we are not walking alone gives us strength.
Having started work on developing this before the start of the pandemic the intention was that congregations could arrange a discussion about the climate once a month over a shared breakfast time or coffee time. While meeting face to face to do this isn’t possible with the current restrictions and the ongoing need for social distancing, meeting online from the comfort of our own homes over a cup of coffee is possible.
Platforms such as Zoom can provide an opportunity for up to 100 people to meet for half an hour for free. Eco-Congregation Scotland staff can support congregations who have not tried this way of meeting before to get them started.
The pack includes twelve discussion sessions. They are themed around different aspects of our climate, care for creation and the change that is necessary to address the climate emergency. For each session there is a description of the theme, some questions to start conversation, a Biblical reference to explore and a prayer. There are also some ideas for things to keep the wee folk (and older ones too) busy which might result in a display for the halls or even outside the building – to show local communities that the church is thinking about these issues, as well as some slightly longer term projects.
We have a space on our website and our social media where we would love to post pictures and stories about these activities and the kind of things you have done as a result of the conversations you have had with others in your church and community.