Helensburgh and Lomond network meeting

Helensburgh and Lomond meet at the United Reform Church, 35 West Princes Street (next to the Post Office) in Helensburgh on Friday 28th March at 10.30am. Adrian Shaw, the Church of Scotland’s Climate Change Officer will be speaking and leading a discussion about “Fracking: sensible solution or disastrous development?”

2013 saw the initial development of fracking in the UK. Reviled by some as a dangerous and unnecessary prolongation of gas as an energy source and an environmental hazard, it has been strongly supported by others, including the UK Government, as a useful source of cheap gas for future decades. The furious debate and demonstrations it has sparked off have not been conclusive or very enlightening and facts about fracking in the UK seem hard to come by. Yet this an important debate and, along with other controversies such as wind energy and nuclear power, is central to the future of our energy use and how we respond to climate change. How can we reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and address fuel poverty? These are big questions but ones that eco-congregations should now think about.

Everyone is welcome!