We are always looking for videos of activities in local eco-congregations. Please contact us if you have anything which may be of interest.
How one Scottish church reduced its carbon footprint by 1000 tons
[Video unavailable, but Download the written case study here.]
The Bible doesn’t talk about climate change, right?
More videos on her YouTube channel here.
Communicating climate change
Climate Change is Real – United Mission to Nepal
Stupidly Simple – Why be greener
Archbishop Desmond Tutu on Climate Change
Scotland’s Climate Action Story (from Stop Climate Chaos Scotland)
Riverside Church organised a bicycle repair day which helped the environment and was evangelistic too
John Ashton addressing our 2014 Annual Gathering in Glasgow
Video showing the work of two eco-congregations in Arbroath and Westray
A film made by Ferryhill Parish Church in Aberdeen about their Eco-Congregation work