North Argyll Network

This is the latest news from the North Argyll Eco-Congregation network.


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  • Interfaith Week – Iona

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  • Love Food Hate Waste Workshop in Kilmartin by Lochgilphead

    Save up to £460 a year by reducing food waste at home. Come and get some great tips to help you prevent food waste and help create a cleaner, greener Scotland.

    You will get a free food waste saving pack to take away at the end of the workshop.

    You can register now on Eventbrite.

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  • Welcome new registrations!

    Join us in welcoming Alves and Burghead Church of Scotland and Holy Trinity Church, Dunoon to the host of Eco-Congregations across Scotland.


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  • North Argyll Network Launch Event!

  • Exciting new developments from the Local Networks Seminar 2015 – Report now available!

    The 2015 Local Networks Seminar took place in Dunblane on Saturday 26th September. This year the main themes discussed at the Seminar have been used to propose an exciting new way of providing web-based resources, which can be downloaded and printed out to encourage more participation in our congregations.

    After considering what other resources are available, the ECS Board now plans to invite individuals / congregations / networks, with the relevant experience and expertise, to contribute to developing and writing the new resources.

    Local Networks Seminar Report 2015  also lists a whole host of topics and speakers from networks all around the country (see Appendix 3). If you are not already involved in a network, take a look and see what you might be missing! Everyone is welcome at network meetings – you don’t have to be from a registered congregation. Full information about your local network can be found here.

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