Home Energy Advice…another part of living out God’s command to care for creation and love our neighbour?
by Anna and Tom Sibbald, Aberfeldy Parish Church
I feel a real sense of pride - good pride, I hope - that my local church is seen to be relevant in our community through Warm Connections. It’s one logical way of being an Eco Congregation.
The Background Stuff
With our passion for God’s creation (both his people and his planet) as our driver, in 2021 we set up a small home energy advice project. Warm Connections is based in Highland Perthshire, part of Aberfeldy Parish Church and the broader work within our linkage and beyond. We provide people in our area with home energy advice, and support healthier, more affordable and greener living. The support we offer falls into 4 areas:
No cost and low-cost solutions
Support with bills
Advice about funding for home improvements (insulation etc)
Advice about renewables
We are very much a first step service and will help steer householders towards the local and regional teams who can access national funding, where necessary.
Just received a payment settling my energy debt which had built up because of illness. My heart is lighter.
The Exciting Stuff
What a delight it is to see the worry lines lift, a smile return when an energy debt is paid off through emergency funding, or a pre-payment meter topped up so the heating clicks back on. Such a privilege, but so is the slower walk with someone as they navigate the maze of options and possibilities available to improve the fabric of their home to make it greener, warmer and more affordable. Most of all, we encourage those small things which cost little or nothing; using less is always going to be a winner. Though our main motive is environmental, for others change may be driven by health or financial benefits, or simply a desire to be more comfortable; whatever the motive, helping folk to use less energy in the home and to keep the heat in the house for longer usually benefits all of the above.
Our focus is on reducing carbon emissions and on those vulnerable to fuel poverty. Supporting and caring for people in this way within our communities is another way that we as Christians can love our neighbour, and we are so thankful that our church community has got behind this amazing opportunity. It is a privilege to visit people at home, to encourage, guide and support householders through the many energy challenges which are out there. Finding ways to show that Christians genuinely care is not always easy, and it is a delight to offer this service with absolutely no cost.
Their gentle and participative approach has really motivated me to make more changes to my home, to save energy, be more eco-aware and be warmer in my house
Is it Working?
We think it is. We are delighted when a person suddenly discovers that someone does care and there is help, even for them. We have seen folk make vital steps towards net zero living through the big installs, but perhaps more important are the little savings we can all make through changed habits, and the low-cost adjustments that together add up. Love in this case has legs, arms, a face, a roll of radiator reflector foil and some low energy light bulbs!
“Warm Connections has been fantastic for so many reasons - building relationships, helping people in our community cut their bills and live out their desire to be greener, and enabling us to care for creation - one of the five marks of mission”. Rev Neil Glover, our minister
What About You?
Warm Connections might have worked without our church, but for us it’s so much more because it is part of the church, and anchored in community. With a climate crisis pressing us into action and so much challenge for householders across Scotland struggling with fuel poverty, this feels like urgent, needed and inspiring work. Work that churches everywhere could get stuck into. So, what did it take?
A supportive church
A desire to see Christians doing God’s will by encouraging others to care for His creation
Interest in home energy (which began for us by making our own home more energy efficient)
A love of people and a joy in sharing with them
It is a privilege and a joy to spend time in people’s homes and at events in the community. In the streets and shops we often see folk whom we have met through Warm Connections, and stop to chat; it feels normal and natural but is all part of Christian witness in our community. If you have read this and feel a nudge from God, we would be very happy to have a conversation, and explore your questions.
Picture courtesy St Mary’s Cathedral, Edinburgh: Provost The Very Rev’d John Conway is among supporters of the Scottish Churches COP26 Pledge at the active Edinburgh eco-congregation
Scottish Churches COP26 Pledge: Divestment and the Just and Green Recovery
On the eve of this year’s General Synod, Eco-Congregation Scotland welcomes moves by the Scottish Episcopal Church to consider further steps on divestment from fossil fuels and work towards achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2030.
The new Pledge demonstrates support across Scotland’s churches for urgent action on fossil fuels divestment, responding to the climate crisis and supporting a just and green recovery from Covid-19 as we approach the COP26 climate talks in Glasgow next year:
“We believe it is unethical for Churches to invest in an industry that is harming the planet, as seen in ever more extreme and life-threatening weather events locally and globally.”
“We support the campaign for fossil free Churches and are conscious of the increasingly severe impact of the climate crisis, especially on people living in poverty and on all life in our common home.”
“We recognise the urgency of the need for a just transition from fossil fuels to clean alternatives that offers jobs and wellbeing to people in Scotland and across the world.”
“We commit ourselves to using our financial resources to contribute to the flourishing of God’s creation, both now and for generations to come.”
Individuals are called to register support for the pledge, reviewing their own investments or pensions and seeking ethical alternatives.
Congregations are asked to work towards divesting their own funds and call on national and regional bodies – including Dioceses and Presbyteries – to divest from fossil fuels.
Denominations, regional Church bodies and Christian organisations in Scotland are called to commit to divestment within the next two years, seeking investments with positive environmental benefits and which support a just and green recovery.
Please sign in support today as an individual or on behalf of a church or organisation at:
We appreciate the considered work of the Ethical Investment Advisory Group formed last year and recognise that the climate crisis is increasingly important across the Church’s Boards and Committees and for every church in every Diocese.
We look forward to our partnership developing further as our work grows in seeking to support all Scotland’s churches and denominations on care for God’s creation.
“Roadworks” Advent II: Isaiah 40:1-11, Mark 1:1-18 Please watch a major reflection for Sunday 6th December 2020, the second Sunday of Advent, from Eco-Chaplain Rev David Coleman, for you to view and share.
Jesus, the Eucharist and the Power within the Universe for Transformation Saturday 5th December 2020, 11.00am–12.30pm Please email manager@ecocongregationscotland.org for the Zoom link to join the third prayerful reflection from Sister Mary KilpatrickSND and Liz Snodgrass of For the Love of Creation Project. From “Who we are and our Kinship with all Creation”, then “Where we come from and our Story of Evolution” last month to reflecting now on “Jesus, the Eucharist and the Power within the Universe for Transformation”.
Save money on your energy bills this winter Tuesday 8th December 2020, 6.00pm–6.40pm Heating controls Wednesday 9th December, 6.00pm–6.40pm Insulation Thursday 10th December, 6.00pm–6.40pm Simple saving tips Home Energy Scotland and the The Wise Group have organised three accessible webinars to help you stay warm for less this winter on heating controls and how to make the most of them, insulating your home to keep the heat in and simple changes you can make to your energy use which will save you money.
The Variety of Life: Encouraging Biodiversity Wednesday 9th December 2020, 7.30pm–8.30pm https://www.ecocongregationscotland.org/event/the-variety-of-life/ Tayside Biodiversity Partnership coordinator Catherine Lloyd joins our Perth & Kinross and Angus & Dundee Local Networks for a relaxed discussion on next year’s potential for individual churches planting to encourage bees and other pollinators, supporting nature in maintenance of graveyards and welcoming swifts and bats.
We were delighted to hear that the Eco-Group at St Anne’s Scottish Episcopal and Methodist Church in Dunbar have still been meeting on a Wednesday morning every month thanks to Zoom video conferencing. Please get in touch if you would like support to meet online for your own church.
If your church is concerned about the environment and wants to get involved, it’s free to register and begin your journey as an eco-congregation. We also encourage your church to please consider membership, to become more active in the charity and support our Local Network activities. Please join online or print a form and post to us.
Please donate to help support our work and encourage growing interest in environmental activities across Scotland’s churches. If you or others in your church would like to receive this newsletter regularly, please subscribe.
Living God, In this season of Advent, Speak to us in the wilderness. Speak, even in the hard places, And teach us to mark out the places where you have met with us. Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Eco-Congregation Scotland is always keen to hear from local churches and today our team shares great examples of activities and events. Congregations across our movement continue their work through the pandemic, respecting restrictions while responding to local need and addressing environmental concerns.
We are also pleased to share key events this week organised by partners and coalitions. On St Andrew’s Day, as we celebrate Scotland’s patron who spread the Good News far and wide, we thank all who have attended and participated in a wide variety of recent activities and online meetings, here and globally. This has been crucial as we welcome the world to the COP26 Glasgow climate talks next November. Eco-Congregation Scotland and churches throughout the country have been represented well by so many of our volunteers. We value your involvement, interest and insight.
We also love to share stories from local eco-congregations, to celebrate your wide-ranging work and encourage us all in caring for God’s creation. We were delighted to hear that our 500th eco-congregation Faifley Parish Church is holding a regular Recycle Room every Friday with free clothes bundles, DVDs, books, baby equipment, cushions and bedding thanks to dedicated volunteers and large numbers of donations. Ellis’ facemasks and Elsie’s chutney, pictured below, have been popular and successful fundraisers too!
We look forward to celebrating registration 500 with Faifley Parish when COVID-19 local protection levels allow. A special welcome and thank you to all subsequent new registrations in recent months, taking us to 508 eco-congregations:
If your church is concerned about the environment and wants to get involved, please join our movement today. It’s free to register.
We also encourage membership for your church, to become more active in the charity and support our Local Networks. Membership is again free for smaller churches and up to £100 per year for congregations with the highest incomes, that’s only £8 per month or less than £2 per week.
All membership fees go directly to support Local Network activities through our Programme Coordinator work. It’s easy to join online or print a form and post to us. Please also consider making a one-off or regular donation to support our work as an individual too.
Inspired by our A Sanctuary for Swifts event two weeks ago – which you can watch again online – Central Borders Local Network coordinator Ian Skinner informs us Holy Trinity Melrose is installing a nesting box for swifts on the Trinity Centre. Specially designed for swifts, the box will be placed near the top of the north facing gable with a clear outlook towards Gattonside Hill on the far side of the Tweed. Another two boxes designed for house martins are being placed on the Centre’s east side. Ian adds: “We are looking forward to welcoming new visitors in the spring of 2021!”
Well done and thank you all Kinross Parish Church Eco-Congregation group volunteers who picked up a “terrifying” amount of litter pictured above last Saturday in the space of about an hour. We also congratulate St Mary’s Eco-Congregation TOA (Take One Action) Local group in Dalkeith, holding another successful film evening to watch and discuss “Catching the Sun“, exploring workers and business leaders racing to lead the clean energy future.
These are just some of the diverse environmental activities and interesting events across individual congregations and our Local Networks. Thank you again for your continuing support and that of every church volunteer and all our supporters. It is always appreciated, even more so this challening year. Happy St Andrew’s Day!
An appropriately scary start to the Christian season most concerned with what is to come. Many thanks Scottish writer, academic and activist Alastair McIntosh on the first Sunday of Advent followed by Rev Julia Meason today, minister of Kirkwall East linked with Shapinsay, and to all opening our alternative Advent Calendar.
Financing Climate Justice Monday 30th November 2020, 12.00noon https://climatefringe.org/sccs-live-events/ Rich nations like ours have a duty to deliver a fair share of support for poorer countries on the front line of the climate crisis. Tune in to this Climate Fringe event to find out more.
Restraining Climate Change: What is the Role of Faith Communities? Tuesday 1st December 2020, 7.30pm https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_x18cxZxSS_yyGZ6_bkEVWQ Climate emergency, coronavirus and Brexit. How can we as faith communities work with others to build a just and green future? These are moments of great opportunity but also significant challenge. Hosted by St Columba’s-by-the-Castle Episcopal Church in Edinburgh, join the discussion with:
Dear friends: as last year, I am preparing a series of video reflections, ‘freewheeling’ in a way I could not on behalf of a denomination, on the Lectionary readings for Advent. These will appear on the Facebook page ‘Advent with the Ecochaplain’ at 1 minute past midnight on each day of Advent. If you use Facebook, please do subscribe, and spread it around. Disclaimer: as I write, about a quarter of the ‘Days’ are prepared. All 24 will only happen barring unforeseen circumstance, but it’s good use of morning devotional time to prepare them.
Cherishing Churchyards week is an initiative of Caring for God’s Acre. Primarily English/Welsh based, Scottish congregations are welcome to join in and register their events. Further information is available on this web page:
The Tayside Biodiversity Partnership would be very interested to know if any Eco-Congregations are keen to run an event this year – or if they would like to consider a Green Graveyard suite of events in Angus or Perth & Kinross to coincide with the event in 2018. Please let them know as they would be very pleased to help by providing leaflets, wildflower seeds, pens, pencils, etc.
Copies of the TBP’s Making Way for Nature booklet are still available and it can be downloaded here: