Dear all,
As you have already heard from Margaret Warnock, or perhaps read on the website, I am the new Programme Coordinator for Eco-Congregation Scotland.
My role will be to support and encourage you and your congregations and communities in your ongoing environmental action as we work together to care for the wonderful world that we are privileged to inhabit. Our actions have never been more important that they are now – what we do over the next few years will be crucial in determining the state of God’s world, our environment, for future generations and centuries to come.
I have already met quite a few of you, and look forward to meeting many more of you at network meetings, or perhaps at the Annual Gathering later this month. It will take time to get to know you all, so please be patient with me! Margaret has done so much over many years that she will be a hard act to follow, but together we can continue the good work she has done.
If I can be of any assistance in any way, please get in touch by e-mail or phone, and I will do what I can to help.
Best wishes,
David Bethune
Programme Coordinator