The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it,
The world, and those who live in it;
For he has founded it on the seas,
And established it on the rivers.
O God of this earth, as nations gather to meet in Paris,
We pray for the representatives of the rich and the powerful,
And for those sent there by the poor and the vulnerable.
Give to them all gifts of wisdom and discernment,
That they might truly understand what faces your world today,
And see what needs to be done in days ahead.
Give to them qualities of kindness, justice and determination,
That they may hear creation’s cry of distress,
And together take binding actions to safeguard the climate.
And stir up in us what we expect from others.
Make us wise and discerning, kind, and just,
Determined to play our part in caring for creation, now and for ever.
(by Rev Trevor Jamison, Environmental Chaplain, Eco-Congregation Scotland).