Join us to explores key issues around how we can invest our money ethically to have a positive impact on Climate Change individually, as part of your congregation and in your community.
Thursday 12th October 2017 9:45 am
St Andrew’s and St George’s West Church, Edinburgh, EH2 2PA
9.15 Registration and refreshments
9.45 Welcome and introduction (Chair)
9.50 Keynote speakers
10.35 Workshop session 1
11.15 Break for refreshments
11.35 Workshop session 2
12:15 Panel discussion and questions
13:00 Wrap up (Chair)
13:05 Lunch and networking
13:45 Close
Rev Sally Foster-Fulton Head of Christian Aid Scotland Chris Hegarty Senior Policy and Advocacy Adviser, Christian Aid
Monica Middleton National Director, Oikocredit UK & Ireland
Chair: Rev Richard Frazer Church & Society Council Convener, Church of Scotland
Places are free but limited. Book online at Eventbrite :
(Download as a PDF here)