Faith leaders are calling on governments of the world to create a strong global agreement at the COP21 climate talks in Paris following the discussions happening in Lima right now. Our Voices is urging people to add their voices to this and commit to praying for climate justice and a strong treaty at Paris in 2015. You can find out more and join them here or have a look at the prayer calendar.
Church leaders have added their support to a strong climate treaty.
A group of bishops from around the world have released a statement from a high-level meeting at the COP20 in Lima, calling on decision-makers to consider the world’s poor and the climate-related impacts of the dominant global economic system when they make their decisions:
“Humankind on the Planet Earth is ordained to live in equity, justice and dignity, peace and harmony in the midst of the order of Creation. Humankind is ordered to treat respectfully Creation, which has a value in itself. We Catholic Bishops recognize the atmosphere, rainforests, oceans and agricultural land as common good that require our care.”
The full statement can be read here.
The Church of Scotland has also called on the UK government to ensure carbon-reducing outcomes are reached at the Lima conference in anticipation of a binding agreement at the COP21. Rev Sally Foster-Fulton said:
“We ask the UK Government to share the passion and commitment of churches around the world and to take a leading role in helping to bring about a real and lasting reduction in global greenhouse emissions.”
You can read more on the Church of Scotland’s statement here.
Eco-Congregation Scotland is a member of Stop Climate Chaos Scotland, who are running a campaign in the run-up to COP21 named ‘For the Love Of…’ to help people think about the things they want to protect from climate change. You can get involved in that here.