Annual Gathering registration deadline this week!

Our Annual Gathering is looming large in the horizon and will take place on Saturday 20th April at the Grassmarket Community Project in Edinburgh. This year it is all about food! We are pleased to have an array of interesting speakers and workshop hosts to engage you on the subject of food.

Annual Gathering 2012

Photo from last year’s Annual Gathering in Bridge of Alan

A bit about the day!

Rev David Atkinson, an expert in agricultural research, will kick things off at 11am after our AGM by talking about the theology of food.  He is quickly followed by Rev Liz Henderson from Richmond Carigmillar Church who will share with us practical aspects of running a café in her congregation. 

After a sustainably sourced lunch catered by the Grassmarket Community Project there will be a range of workshops on offer: 

Dr Neil Hollow will explore where food may come from in future in The Global Food Crisis.

The Climate Challenge Fund and Community Energy Scotland will inform of funding opportunitites for community projects and renewable energy installations in Funding For Environmental Projects.

Dr Sheena Wurthmann from Netherlee Church will introduce you to the practicalities of the Just Eating resources produced by the Presbyterian Church USA.

Christian Aid and SCIAF will champion the IF campaign and show you how to get involved in fighting world hunger.

Pete Richie from Whitmuir farm will share his experience of engaging the community in running the Nourish Project producing local and sustainable produce.

And in Café Conversations anyone interested can share the Eco-Congregation experiences with other congregations and will include members from Carlops Parish Church and other award winning congregations.

There are still plenty of places! Complete the Registration form and email it to Oyunn on, post it to Eco-Congregation Scotland, 121 George Street, Edinburgh, EH2 4YN or call us on 0131 240 2277. We hope to see you there!