Award Cermony at St Mary’s Parish Church, Kirkintilloch held on 24th February

On Sunday 24th February, at a special service, the Rev Ewan Aitken, Chair of Eco-Congregation Scotland, in the company of Provost Walker, presented  this Congregation with their first plaque to commemorate achieving ECO Friendly status through their excellent efforts towards reduction of energy use, minimising our “Carbon Footprint” and empathy with our natural environment, both at home and abroad.

All members have been encouraged to give serious thought and active participation to improving recycling; assistance to Fair Trade projects in developing countries overseas; in the care of asylum seekers; gardening; nesting boxes for birds and spaces for bugs and slugs. The nursery school attached to St Mary’s has taken a lead in such projects and constructed a special area for the “wee beasties” in a quiet corner of the car park in their own garden.

We have a particular affinity with Malawi where a local school has been financially supported with the construction of a house for the resident teacher. One of our members has visited the school on two occasions and we have had representatives from Malawi come to our country.

Further projects are under consideration.


From left to right: Rev. Mark Johnstone, Minister of St. Mary’s Parish Church, Rev. Ewan Aitken, Una Walker, Provost of East Dunbartonshire, Fiona Leishman Fair Trade representative and Rev. Katy Owen Associate Minister.

By Lambert Sinclair

Thank you to St Mary’s Parish Church for sharing with us their Eco-Congregation Award celebrations and for their strong commitment to Caring for Creation through Eco-Congregation activities. You can read about their award here.