What do Christmas trees and the Eiffel Tower have in common? While you might be tempted to think they had a similar shape, you’d be missing the important link of advent and the COP21. Its nearly December and A Rocha UK have launched an online calendar to help tell you all you need to know about the UN climate talks and the message of hope. You can sign up to get notified when each day becomes available or if you really can’t wait, you can jump straight to it here and start opening doors.
If it’s Christmas you can’t wait for, you’ll need to be patient with the rest of us.
Wise men and women bearing gifts appear in a unique online calendar to bring Advent down to earth. They are clergy and conservationists – carrying specially written podcasts to promote prayer for the planet.
Their ‘thought for the day’-style audio clips can be found on A Rocha UK’s Hope For The World website. The aim of the calendar is to equip and inform listeners about the United Nations climate change talks in Paris.
From 1st December, each day brings a different message by such people as – Alpha pioneer Nicky Gumbel, TV presenter Peter Owen-Jones, Christian Aid chief Loretta Minghella, botanist explorer Sir Ghillean Prance and CAFOD director Chris Bain.
‘We have an amazing line-up of contributors. I’m excited about how this calendar can play a unique role in encouraging Christians to pray, reflect and act during the UN talks and the Advent season,’ said Churches And Theology Director Dr Ruth Valerio.
‘After the “coffee cup controversy” and supermarket commercials starring a man in the moon and a clumsy cat, A Rocha UK offers Hope for the World.‘
The podcasts can be heard at http://advent.arocha.org.uk. Enquirers don’t have to wait until December – they can register now for daily notifications.