Café Conversions at the Annual Gathering

The Annual Gathering on Saturday 20th April in the Grassmarket Community Project building will feature a workshop entitled Café Conversations.  It will be an informal gathering of anyone wishing to share information about their activities with other congregations.

Drawing was borrowed from here.

Drawing was borrowed from here.

It is useful opportunity to get fresh ideas for engaging activities and share your experiences with others. This is a useful platform for establishing mentoring contacts to aid work towards Eco-Congregation Awards and to get useful ideas on how to engage your congregation in environmental issues.

We already have people from Award winning congregations signed up to take part. Nan and Mary from Carlops Parish Church have promised to bring along examples of their work to share with everyone. The congregation received their 3rd award, presented to them by the Scottish Government Minister for Environment and Climate Change – Paul Wheelhouse MSP, on the 17th January of this year. You can read about it here. It promises to be an interesting hour!

Please email to register for the Gathering. You can complete the Registration form or simply add the details outlined in the form in an email. We will contact you to confirm we have received your registration.

All Welcome!