Church Wildlife Survey Activity

Christian Ecology Link invites you (or a group at your church) to take part in a simple  churchyard / church ecology survey.  

By doing this you and your group will
   1.   Learn and encourage others to learn a little bit more about
          wildlife – plants and /or animals
   2.   Show to others that wildlife is important
   3.   Send in data so we can compare churchyard wildlife round the

The questions were written by the Biodiversity Workgroup at the European Christian Environment Network (ECEN) Meeting in August last year and can be accessed by clicking on the link: PDF for printing or WORD

If this is relevant to your situation and church,  please it our and take it to year church and show it to some groups at your church (Sunday School/ Mothers Union/ Coffee Club / a House Group), and see if one of them will take the survey on.     

When you have filled it in, do some or all of the following:

  1. Have a discussion about it.
  2. Fill the results in online at (We will collate the results.)
  3. Make a small blog or webpage about the wildlife in your churchyard. Include a paragraph about what you have learned by carrying out the (simple) survey. We guarantee you will learn something!! What were the advantages and what were the difficulties? Send us the URL and we will put a link to it.

Even if you only have a small inner city church, there are likely to be weeds on the pavement outside. If you don’t know the names of the weeds ask a local naturalist, or look at    

We look forward to your results. Please email Judith Allinson ( if you have any questions, or if you have suggestions about how the questionnaire or process could be improved.

This tool has been added to the Ideas for Action Churchyard Conservation webpage.

Thank you to Christian Ecology Link for sharing it with us!