Climate Challenge Fund grants; £10.3 million available per year until March 2015.

What type of project would help your community?

Climate Challenge Fund (CCF) grants up to £150,000/yr from the Scottish Government could provide funds and support for your Community Group to reduce their community’s carbon footprint, save money and improve facilities.
CCF grants have funded community owned buildings to install energy efficient measures and community group projects to provide local energy efficiency advice. They have also funded community growing spaces and local projects to help people move away from their cars towards lower carbon transport alternatives. There is also additional support for disadvantaged, black and minority ethnic communities and young people in developing their CCF application through new £750 Development Grants.

Innovative applications for funding are encouraged, but to be eligible for CCF grants community groups must be community-led, operate on a not-for-profit basis, prove they can achieve measurable cuts in their carbon footprint within their neighbourhood and leave a sustainable legacy in the community.

From initial ideas to project implementation, groups applying for CCF funding can count on support from Keep Scotland Beautiful, who manage the fund on behalf of the Scottish Government.

Applications are invited for presentation to the CCF Grant Panel in June and September 2013; full information on the application process and deadlines can be found on the CCF website.

For information or to apply for a grant please see call a Development Officer on 01786 468 779 or email

 A leaflet can be downloaded here (PDF file).