The Building Faith and Fellowship Planning Group has arranged three events on Sunday afternoons in September with a view to considering the Christian’s part in the care of the environment. These events will focus on aspects of CLIMATE CHANGE.
The title of the series is ‘3 Sunday Afternoons in September’.
The events will take place between 2-00pm and 4-00pm
on Sundays 2nd, 9th and 16th September 2012,
in Hope Park Church Hall, St Mary’s Place, St Andrews.
These events are carefully linked to provide a general background against which we ourselves, or others, might continue to build in the future. —–BUT each event may stand alone and prove beneficial of itself.
Those taking part include
- Professor Alan Werrity, Emeritus Professor of Geography. University of Dundee, board member of Eco-Congregation Scotland.
- Adrian Shaw, Climate Change Officer, Church of Scotland.
- Stewart Robertson, T.E.A.R. Fund (Scotland).
- and members of the Planning Group.
The members of the Planning Group are keen that this should be an interactive experience when those taking part may learn from each other as well as from those leading events.
Do join us, YOU, will be most welcome to one or all of the events.
‘3 Sunday Afternoons in September.’
Week 1.
Welcome/Brief Introduction to the Series.
Read and Reflect.
“What do you think?”. (in groups)
Film(Christian Aid)/Follow up.
Week 2.
Welcome/Brief Introduction.
Read and Reflect.
Presentation(s) on Climate Change.
Week 3.
Welcome/Brief Introduction.
Read and Reflect.
‘Let’s be practical?’ (in groups)
‘BEING PRACTICAL?’ Presentation and book reviews