Climate Justice baton at South Queensferry #cop21baton




From Janet Thomas of Queensferry Parish CHurch:

The baton went first to Queensferry Parish Church to the 10am service – the ‘Eco’ banners were on display (see photos for pictures of all our Eco themed banners) and there is a picture of two of our Junior Church members with the Baton and one of the Banners.

The Minister, David Cameron and I did a section in the service talking about the Baton, CoP etc whilst the baton was passed around the congregation and send onwards with a prayer. I then walked the baton to Dalmeny Kirk for their 11am service when David and I did a reprieve of the insight into the baton etc.

In the afternoon the baton went into Queensferry for a ‘photo opportunity’ with the Bridges in the background. It happened to be the Lifeboat display day and a Community market – which is why the rescue helicopter is in the background of at least one picture, as they were doing a mock rescue at the time! It is also the reason why (I suspect) the press photographer didn’t appear as they were busy at the other events.  Some members of the Community Group of Queensferry Parish church are pictured – they have responsibility for the community involvement in Eco Congregation and run the twice yearly Litter pick for example. I then walked the baton into and around Queensferry chatting generally to members of the public about the baton.

[more photos to follow – currently fighting an IT issue in the office]