Supporting Scottish Interfaith Week
Connecting for climate action
As a Christian charity, one of our purposes is the “promotion of religious, racial and social harmony through a demonstration that care for creation is an essential part of all faiths and by working with other faiths and groups to promote this understanding”.
Eco-Congregation Scotland is delighted to support Interfaith Scotland and local interfaith groups along with the UK Faith for the Climate network in all our combined efforts towards the COP26 climate talks in Glasgow next year.
We thank those who are already active through their own church connecting with other faiths – particularly at this time of year – and encourage our volunteers and friends to join events connecting faiths during Scottish Interfaith Week from 8th to 15th November.

COP26 Interfaith Evening of Reflection
Monday 9th November 2020
8.00pm – 9.00pm
Hosted by Hope for the Future and Faith for the Climate, bringing together constituents and Members of Parliament from across the UK, marking the previous start date of COP26 before it was postponed due to the pandemic. Please join us to reflect on the potential of this coming year, in the run up to the new conference start date in November 2021.
This event welcomes people from all faith traditions and backgrounds – as well as MPs from across the political spectrum – to reflect, share and consider the vision of this year as the UK prepares to host the UN’s annual climate negotiations, with contributions from:
- Kate Hughes, Director for International Climate Change at BEIS (UK Government Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy)
- Jonathan McAveety, Senior Campaigns Officer at SCIAF (Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund)
- Isabella O’Dowd, Senior Climate Change Specialist at WWF
- Dr Shanon Shah, Network Coordinator for Faith for the Climate

Hope for the Future
Tuesday 10th November 2020
4.00pm – 6.30pm
Join the final of three global sessions organised by the Interfaith Liaison Committee to the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change). Reaching the time of what should have been the COP26 in Glasgow, this session offers a space for dialogue on faith-based climate action.
Stories of hope in action from faith communities around the world are shared and reflected on. The session offers interactive opportunities for participants, facilitating connections and raising motivation for the year ahead. Join friends around the world to learn, discuss and explore climate action with opening speakers:
- Tais Tokusato, Soka Institute for the Amazon (Brazil)
- Fr Joshtrom Kureethadam, Vatican Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development (India)
- Khulekani Sizwe Magwaza, Lutheran World Federation Youth Representative (South Africa)
- Sister Jayanti Kirpalani, Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (UK)
The moderator is Brussels-based Chiara Martinelli from CIDSE, the international family of Catholic social justice organisations including SCIAF. This interactive meeting hosted by Interfaith Scotland and Interfaith Glasgow includes a breakout session enabling all to participate fully. Please join us to help share your own hopes for the future from Scotland.

Carbon Footprint Workshop
Tuesday 10th November 2020
7.00pm – 9.00pm
Workshop organised by Deeside CAN, formed out of representatives from four Aberdeen Local Network eco-congregations in Banchory and Torphins, including Eco-Congregation Scotland depute chair Richard Murray:
“CAN stands for Climate Action Network; it also means Care And Nurture. We are a group of people living on Royal Deeside in Aberdeenshire, who want to do something to minimise climate change, reduce waste and decrease the loss of biodiversity.”
“Do you want to know how your lifestyle impacts the environment – or what to do to reduce your carbon footprint? Our lifestyles are impacting the environment and causing climate change. We need to change! The Scottish Government has set a Net Zero target for 2045. This means we must all reduce our carbon footprint by 4% every year. Come and join our free Zoom workshop.”

A wee reflection on bare trees, vulnerability and beauty shared on Duffus, Spynie and Hopeman Parish Church YouTube channel by Rev Jenny Adams, Church of Scotland Minister and Eco-Congregation Scotland trustee:
This Sunday 8th November, as we begin the season of Remembrance, please again join Christians across Scotland in ecumenical prayer with Church leaders at 7pm.