Creation Time 2017 worship material now available.

Creation Time is a period, each September, when churches around the world dedicate to prayer for the protection of Creation and the promotion of sustainable lifestyles that reverse our contribution to climate change.  For the past four years Eco-Congregation Scotland has produced worship material (sermon notes, children’s talk ideas, hymn choices and prayers) for the four Sundays of Creation Time. This was used by over 500 congregations last year in Scotland and elsewhere.

Our worship material for Creation Time 2017 comes from an ecumenical writing group, with contributors from the Church of Scotland, the Roman Catholic Church, The Salvation Army and Scottish Episcopal Church. It follows the theme “Journeying with God”, linking to the UN international year of sustainable tourism for development. It explores God’s invitation to join us in the journey of faith leading us into care for all creation.

Readings from the Gospel of Matthew are emphasised, which appear in the Revised Common Lectionary in September.

To download the material for 2017 please visit our Creation Time web page.