Posts available: Director, Treasurer and Fundraiser

In February 2010 Eco-Congregation Scotland became a charitable company. This is a big step forward and puts the movement on a secure legal footing for the first time.

It also creates new opportunities and challenges. Can you help by volunteering?

Some members of the former steering group have volunteered to become founding directors and form now the Board of Eco-Congregation Scotland. The first AGM in 2011 must appoint a new Board of directors.

  • Directors: We need up to 12 directors to manage the company, so more representatives from eco-congregations would be very welcome to join the Board.
  • Treasurer: We need a volunteer with relevant skills and experience to join the Board with responsibility for overseeing our finances.
  • Fundraiser: We need a volunteer to lead and support fundraising from all possible sources.

If you would like to know more about how you can help in any of these volunteer jobs please contact us!