From the congregation of Dunblane Cathedral:
Here in Dunblane we are preparing, with the Brownies, Guides, Cubs, Scouts, Girls Brigade and Boys Brigade, to celebrate Earth Hour on Saturday 24th March from 8 -9.30 pm. Earth Hour is a global celebration, started by WWF, taking place annually where hundreds of millions of people across the world switch off their lights, organise events and think about ways they can take action to protect our planet.
This year in Dunblane we will be joining this global movement by switching off the lights in Dunblane Cathedral and halls, taking part in some fun activities including a “Torchlight treasure hunt” in Dunblane Cathedral and thinking about action we can take to protect our planet. This year we plan to focus on “Our use of plastic and 10 ways we can reduce it”. This will involve a presentation, viewing tables of the plastic we regularly use and the alternatives. There will then be the opportunity to “make a promise for the planet” in reducing your personal use of plastic.
Small changes make a world of a difference