Edinburgh Adapts – Creating an action plan for a climate resilient Edinburgh

The Edinburgh Sustainable Development Partnership (ESDP) are calling partners across the city, including communities, businesses and organisations, to help create a vision for a climate resilient Edinburgh and a city wide action plan. As a key stakeholder in the Edinburgh Adapts project you are invited to:

Why we need to think about climate resilience

Edinburgh is a resilient city that has stood the test of time. The Edinburgh Sustainable Development Partnership (ESDP) is firmly committed to playing its part in ensuring that this remains the case.

The ESDP believes that the impacts of climate change such as increased flood risk, damage to buildings and infrastructure, and disruption to arts, music and cultural events present significant challenges for the city.

In response the ESDP published the Resilient Edinburgh Adaptation Framework in 2014 and is now working with partners across the city to establish a long term vision for a climate resilient Edinburgh, and create a city wide action plan to be published in March 2016.


Making your views count

The Climate Resilient Edinburgh vision and action plan are being developed through the Edinburgh Adapts project, led by an ESDP Task Group. The consultation and engagement phase of the project started in August 2015 when over 30 organisations participated in a workshop to find out more about climate impacts affecting the city, feedback their priorities for action, and help shape a vision for a climate resilient Edinburgh.

Now we are looking for feedback on the documents coming out of this workshop.


Provide feedback on the draft Edinburgh Adapts vision

The draft Climate Resilient Edinburgh vision document sets out what a climate ready Edinburgh could look like in 2025 and 2050. You can find the draft vision in annex 1 of this document. Please complete the feedback form at the end of the draft vision and return it to James Garry james.garry@edinburgh.gov.uk  or Fiona MacLeod fiona.macleod@edinburgh.gov.uk by 30 November 2015. (please contact them for a copy of the full document this relates to).


Propose actions

Between October 2015 and February 2016 the Edinburgh Adapts Task Group will work with stakeholders to identify and agree actions to be included in the action plan. Find out more about the action plan in annex 2 and complete the action proposal form.  The deadline for proposing actions is 13 November 2015.


Take part in a workshop

All the actions proposed will be discussed at sector specific workshops at the end of November 2015 and the workshop participants will prioritise which of the proposed actions should be included in the action plan. Register to attend a workshop by following the relevant link:

All three workshops will follow the same format. Please contact James Garry james.garry@edinburgh.gov.uk  or Fiona MacLeod fiona.macleod@edinburgh.gov.uk if you are unsure as to which workshop to attend.