Are you looking to fund an eco-project in your church and community? Would you like to test out an idea? Go For It funding from the Church of Scotland may be just what you have been looking for.
The fund aims to encourage creative ways of working which develop the life and mission of the local church and are transformative for both communities and congregations.
The focus is very much on ‘the local’ and any application must be able to demonstrate clearly its association with at least one Church of Scotland congregation. Part of a successful application to Go For It will be the demonstration of a commitment to good partnership working.
Here is a link to a printable pdf document advertising the fund: Go For It At a Glance
There are five criteria for funding and successful applicants will meet at least two of these:
- meeting identified needs in the community
- nurturing Christian faith within and beyond the church
- tackling poverty and/or social injustice
- developing new ecclesial/Christian communities
- creating work which is genuinely innovative and shares good practice with others
Full information and application forms are available by
T 0131 225 5722 (the the Go For It Team, within the Church of Scotland’s Ministries Council)