CSV Action Earth’s 2014 campaign is giving away grants worth up to £500 to get more people in Scotland involved in their local green spaces. Thanks to support from Scottish Natural Heritage, groups of volunteers and community organisations will be able to carry out environmental projects across Scotland.
Grants of up to £250 are available for practical activities that involve volunteers in improving outdoor spaces or creating habitats for wildlife. Grants can be used to purchase plants, tools and materials or to cover volunteer expenses.
If your group is volunteering on a Local Nature Reserve we can give you up to £500 for practical work, wildlife recording or educational activities that encourage more people onto the reserve.
In 2013, almost 6,000 volunteers from across Scotland built community gardens and nesting rafts, planted fruit tree walks and millions of wild flowers, created homes for hedgehogs and owls, and enjoyed thousands of hours improving Scotland’s natural environment.
The CSV Action Earth campaign runs from April 2014 to February 2015.
Sign up now to CSV Action Earth 2014 by visiting http://actionearth.csv.org.uk
If you have any questions about the campaign or any project ideas please contact Robert Henderson at: actionearth@csv.org.uk or call T: 0131 222 9083 / 0131 622 7766.
This project is supported by Scottish Natural Heritage