Groundswell Rising, a film about fracking on tour in Scotland.

Groundswell Rising, Protecting Our Children’s Air And Water, the new documentary from Emmy Award-winning Resolution Pictures, captures the passion of people engaged in a David and Goliath confrontation. They stand together, challenging a system that promotes profit over health. We meet mothers, fathers, scientists, doctors, farmers and people from all sides of the political spectrum taking a hard look at energy extraction techniques not proven to be safe. With the Oil and Gas industry’s expansion of fracking seen as a moral issue, this provocative documentary tracks a people’s movement, a groundswell rising towards reason and sensitivity, to protect life, today and tomorrow.

For further information about the film please visit:

Here is where you can see the film :

Saturday 27th February 7-10pm Dunbar Town House, High Street, Dunbar EH42 1ER
Wednesday 2nd March 7-9pm Room G.04, 50 George Square, University of Edinburgh
Thursday 3rd March 7-9.30pm Dalkeith Miners Welfare Club, Woodburn Rd, Dalkeith EH22 2AT
Friday 4th March Evening North Berwick – venue to be confirmed.
Saturday 5th March 2-4pm The Station Hotel, 92 Station Road, Shotts ML7 4BJ
Saturday 5th March Evening, Glasgow – venue to be confirmed
Sunday 6th March 7 – 9pm Trinity Church, Falkirk, FK1 1JN