Helensburgh & Lomond network hold fundraising morning for Eco-Congregation Scotland

Elizabeth Lambert writes:

The Helensburgh and Lomond Network coffee morning was well attended and featured stalls displaying the work of local schools to gain their ECO Schools Flags. The Primary Schools had also submitted entries to a competition entitled “How to make your garden or school more wildlife friendly”. We had four schools entering and the many entries were of a very high calibre, Rhu school had submitted pictures and models, while Cardross and Hermitage submitted display boards. The winner however was Kilcreggan with their book, detailing in pictures and writing all the things they had done to make their school more wildlife friendly.

There were also displays about Climate Change, Water Aid, Eco Congragation, the Helensburgh Beekeepers and Friends of Hermitage Park. £202.80 was raised for Eco Congregation Scotland from sales of homebaking. Hopefully everyone went away having learnt something new.







Photos: Elizabeth Lambert